Self-Care and Productivity

I’ve recently made a shift to focus more on self-care and listen to my own advice. The catalyst for this change was a YouTube video I found that addressed how to stop wasting time and be more productive. In this video, Dr. Jordan Peterson explains why we typically waste time, and what we can do to change our behavior. My core takeaway from this lecture is to treat ourselves the way we would treat a close friend or loved one. I find that we are often much kinder to others than we are to ourselves, and that if we brought the same level of altruism to our own lives that we bring to others we would be much happier and that much more productive.

“My experience is with people that were probably running at about 51% of our capacity… I often ask undergraduates how many hours a day you waste, or how many hours a week you waste, and the classic answer is something like 4-6 hours a day.”

The video is about 15 minutes long, and talks about a variety of factors related to time management. I highly recommend watching if you want to take control of your life – it’s definitely worth your time.